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Satisfied Interests and Roles

Project managerFunctional expertSupport expertTesterDeveloper
Accurate identification of deliverables Standards for providing adequate input for development and roles and authorizations teamsAccurate identification of the application to which support requests applyAccurate identification of the applications for testing
Handle for tracking status of app documentation preparation Handle for working on app documentation Handle for accessing app documentation Handle for accessing app documentation Handle for working on app technical documentation
Clarity of responsibility of team members Clarity of test scopeClarity of support scopeClarity of test scope
Insight into deliverables statusConvenient status reporting with the time stampInsight into the status of handover from implementationConvenient status reporting with the time stamp
Scope and cost controlInsight for building roles Input on app priority
Insight into the app technology category to ensure the availability of a competent expertInsight into the app technology category to plan technology improvementsInsight into the app technology category to match a competent expert