Core | zftapps, zftcats | ZNYPECOR_SRV | ZNYPE_FTMAN, ZNYPE_FTMEM | Applications and Catalogs "To-be" records and their association |
Fiori App Usage Report | zftappusagerep, zfaadmin, zftappusageplug, zfaul | ZNYPEFACEN_SRV, ZNYPEFAMAN_SRV | ZNYPE_FAMAN, ZNYPE_FAMEM | Fiori App Usage Report is a component that enables collecting usage records. |
As-is API | zftdc, zftsy | ZNYPEASISCEN_SRV | ZNYPE_ASISCEN | Enables Managed systems data synchronization |
Application Import | zftai, zftfl | ZNYPEAI_SRV | ZNYPE_AI | Lets you import applications from your system into the "To-be" application list |
Roles | zftroles | ZNYPERO_SRV | ZNYPE_ROMAN | Roles "To-be" records and their association to apps through catalogs |
Fiori Role Testing | znypeat | ZNYPEAT_SRV | ZNYPE_FRMAN | The app tracks role testing to maintain the quality of production deployment. |
Test users | zftusers | ZNYPEUS_SRV | ZNYPE_USMAN | The Test users app lets you create, change, and list test user records. |