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'rep': 'ac', 'pay': 'free'}, 'ca': {'name': 'Catalog App Report', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ca', 'pay': 'free'}, 'fa': {'name': 'Fiori App Usage Report', 'desc': 'Fiori App Usage Report is a component that enables collecting usage records.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'fa', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': 'zftappusagerep, zfaadmin, zftappusageplug, zfaul', 'odata': 'ZNYPEFACEN_SRV, ZNYPEFAMAN_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_FAMAN, ZNYPE_FAMEM'}, 'fap': {'name': 'Fiori App Usage Plugin', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': 'X', 'rep': 'fap', 'pay': 'paid'}, 'ftCatsRelAppsAsis': {'name': 'FT Catalogs Relation: Apps As-is', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'asis-cen', 'pay': 'free'}, 'ftAppsRelCatsAsis': {'name': 'FT Apps Relation: Catalogs, As-is', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'asis-cen', 'pay': 'free'}, 'ftAppsRelAppsUsage': {'name': 'FT Apps Relation: App Usage', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'fa', 'pay': 'paid'}, 'ch': {'name': 'Change Requests', 'desc': 'Change request records linked to catalogs and apps', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ch', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftch', 'odata': 'ZNYPECH_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_CHMAN'}, 'RelCh': {'name': 'FT Apps and Catalogs Relation: Change Requests', 'desc': 'The Change Request relation shows a list of change requests linked to an application or catalog.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ch', 'pay': 'free'}, 'so': {'name': 'Sign-offs', 'desc': 'The Sign-offs app lets you create, change and list sign-offs records linked to all content types (apps, catalogs and roles)', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'so', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftso', 'odata': 'ZNYPESO_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_SOMAN'}, 'tu': {'name': 'Test users', 'nameshort': 'Test users', 'desc': 'The Test users app lets you create, change, and list test user records.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'tu', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftusers', 'odata': 'ZNYPEUS_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_USMAN'}, 'RelTu': {'name': 'FT Apps Relation: Test users', 'desc': 'The Test users relation shows a list of test users linked to all apps', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'tu', 'pay': 'free'}, 'hi': {'name': 'History', 'nameshort': 'History', 'desc': 'The History component keeps the history records for SAP Fiori launchpad key deliverables: apps, catalogs, and roles.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'hi', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zfthi', 'odata': 'ZNYPEHI_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_HIMAN'}, 'co': {'name': 'Comments', 'nameshort': 'Comments', 'desc': 'The Comments component keeps the free text notes records for SAP Fiori launchpad key deliverables: apps, catalogs, and roles.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'co', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftco', 'odata': 'ZNYPECO_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_COMAN'}, 'RelSo': {'name': 'FT Apps and Catalogs Relation: Sign-offs', 'desc': 'The Sign-offs relation shows a list of sign-offs linked to all content types (apps, catalogs and roles)', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'so', 'pay': 'free'}, 'ro': {'name': 'Fiori Tracker Roles', 'nameshort': 'Roles', 'desc': 'Roles "To-be" records and their association to apps through catalogs', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ro', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftroles', 'odata': 'ZNYPERO_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_ROMAN'}, 'ci': {'name': 'Catalog Import', 'nameshort': 'Catalog Import', 'desc': 'Lets you import catalogs from your system into the "To-be" catalogs list', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'SPS02', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ci', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': 'zftci', 'odata': 'ZNYPECI_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_CIMAN'}, 'ai': {'name': 'Application Import', 'nameshort': 'Apps Import', 'desc': 'Lets you import applications from your system into the "To-be" application list', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ai', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': 'zftai, zftfl', 'odata': 'ZNYPEAI_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_AI'}, 'mi': {'name': 'Mapping Import', 'nameshort': 'Mapping Import', 'desc': 'Lets you import mappings of the applications to catalogs', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'mi', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': 'zftmi', 'odata': 'ZNYPEMI_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_MIMAN'}, 'RelRo': {'name': 'FT Apps and Catalogs Relation: Roles', 'desc': 'The Roles relation shows a list of sign-offs linked to all content types (apps, catalogs and roles)', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ro', 'pay': 'free'}, 'gv': {'name': 'Gover', 'nameshort': 'Gover', 'desc': 'Gover is a solution that enables security checks for your SAP system landscape.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'gv', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': 'zftgv', 'odata': 'ZNYPEGV_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_GVMAN'}}, 'comp': {'core': {'name': 'Fiori Tracker Core', 'desc': 'Applications and Catalogs "To-be" records and their association', 'nameshort': 'Core', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'SPS03', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'installation', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftapps, zftcats', 'odata': 'ZNYPECOR_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_FTMAN, ZNYPE_FTMEM'}, 'asisCen': {'name': 'As-is Main', 'desc': 'Collects and enables synchronization of SAP Fiori setup data.', 'nameshort': 'As-is API', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'SPS02', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'asis-cen', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftdc, zftsy', 'odata': 'ZNYPEASISCEN_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_ASISCEN'}, 'asisMan': {'name': 'As-is Connector', 'desc': 'Captures SAP Fiori setup from single system.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'SPS02', 'cen': 'X', 'man': 'X', 'rep': 'asis-man', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': '', 'odata': '', 'ro': ''}, 'catAppRep': {'name': 'Catalog and App reports', 'desc': 'Catalog and Apps "As-is" records and their association.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'SPS02', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'catapprep', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftca', 'odata': 'ZNYPECA_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_CAMAN'}, 'fr': {'name': 'Fiori Role Testing', 'nameshort': 'Fiori Role Testing', 'desc': 'The app tracks role testing to maintain the quality of production deployment.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'fr', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'znypeat', 'odata': 'ZNYPEAT_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_FRMEN, ZNYPE_FRMAN'}, 'cr': {'name': 'Catalog Report', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'SPS02', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'cat-rep', 'pay': 'free'}, 'ac': {'name': 'App Catalog Report', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ac', 'pay': 'free'}, 'ca': {'name': 'Catalog App Report', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ca', 'pay': 'free'}, 'fam': {'name': 'Fiori App Usage Main', 'desc': 'Collects and displays usage records.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'fa', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': 'zftappusagerep, zfaadmin, zfaul', 'odata': 'ZNYPEFACEN_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_FAMAN'}, 'fap': {'name': 'Fiori App Usage Plugin', 'desc': 'Captures usage records from a single system.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': 'X', 'rep': 'fap', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': 'zftappusageplug', 'odata': 'ZNYPEFAMAN_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_FAMEM'}, 'ftCatsRelAppsAsis': {'name': 'FT Catalogs Relation: Apps As-is', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'asis-cen', 'pay': 'free'}, 'ftAppsRelCatsAsis': {'name': 'FT Apps Relation: Catalogs, As-is', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'asis-cen', 'pay': 'free'}, 'ftAppsRelAppsUsage': {'name': 'FT Apps Relation: App Usage', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'fa', 'pay': 'paid'}, 'ch': {'name': 'Change Requests', 'desc': 'Change request records linked to catalogs and apps', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ch', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftch', 'odata': 'ZNYPECH_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_CHMAN'}, 'RelCh': {'name': 'FT Apps and Catalogs Relation: Change Requests', 'desc': 'The Change Request relation shows a list of change requests linked to an application or catalog.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ch', 'pay': 'free'}, 'so': {'name': 'Sign-offs', 'desc': 'The Sign-offs app lets you create, change and list sign-offs records linked to all content types (apps, catalogs and roles)', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'so', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftso', 'odata': 'ZNYPESO_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_SOMAN'}, 'tu': {'name': 'Test users', 'nameshort': 'Test users', 'desc': 'The Test users app lets you create, change, and list test user records.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'tu', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftusers', 'odata': 'ZNYPEUS_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_USMAN'}, 'RelTu': {'name': 'FT Apps Relation: Test users', 'desc': 'The Test users relation shows a list of test users linked to all apps', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'tu', 'pay': 'free'}, 'hi': {'name': 'History', 'nameshort': 'History', 'desc': 'The History component keeps the history records for SAP Fiori launchpad key deliverables: apps, catalogs, and roles.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'hi', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zfthi', 'odata': 'ZNYPEHI_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_HIMAN'}, 'co': {'name': 'Comments', 'nameshort': 'Comments', 'desc': 'The Comments component keeps the free text notes records for SAP Fiori launchpad key deliverables: apps, catalogs, and roles.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'co', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftco', 'odata': 'ZNYPECO_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_COMAN'}, 'RelSo': {'name': 'FT Apps and Catalogs Relation: Sign-offs', 'desc': 'The Sign-offs relation shows a list of sign-offs linked to all content types (apps, catalogs and roles)', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'so', 'pay': 'free'}, 'ro': {'name': 'Fiori Tracker Roles', 'nameshort': 'Roles', 'desc': 'Roles "To-be" records and their association to apps through catalogs', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ro', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftroles', 'odata': 'ZNYPERO_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_ROMAN'}, 'ci': {'name': 'Catalog Import', 'nameshort': 'Catalog Import', 'desc': 'Lets you import catalogs from your system into the "To-be" catalogs list', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'SPS02', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ci', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': 'zftci', 'odata': 'ZNYPECI_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_CIMAN'}, 'ai': {'name': 'Application Import', 'nameshort': 'Apps Import', 'desc': 'Lets you import applications from your system into the "To-be" application list', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ai', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': 'zftai', 'odata': 'ZNYPEAI_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_AI'}, 'mi': {'name': 'Mapping Import', 'nameshort': 'Mapping Import', 'desc': 'Lets you import mappings of the applications to catalogs', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'mi', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': 'zftmi', 'odata': 'ZNYPEMI_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_MIMAN'}, 'RelRo': {'name': 'FT Apps and Catalogs Relation: Roles', 'desc': 'The Roles relation shows a list of sign-offs linked to all content types (apps, catalogs and roles)', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ro', 'pay': 'free'}, 'gv': {'name': 'Gover', 'nameshort': 'Gover', 'desc': 'Gover is a solution that enables security checks for your SAP system landscape.', 'main': '2020', 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Do not try to modify. e.g. {{ config.docs_dir }} See also the MkDocs documentation on the config object. 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Centralized platform for collaborating on requirements.' | site_author | NoneType | None | theme | Theme | Theme(name='nype', dirs=['/home/runner/work/', '/home/runner/work/', '/home/runner/work/', '/home/runner/work/'], static_templates={'sitemap.xml', '404.html'}, name='nype', locale=Locale('en'), language='en', direction=None, features=['navigation.tabs', 'navigation.indexes', 'navigation.expand'], font={'text': 'Roboto', 'code': 'Roboto Mono'}, icon={'tag': {'default': 'material/tag'}}, favicon='favicon.ico', nype_config={'contact_form_action_hex': '6148523063484d364c79396d62334a74637935316269317a6447463061574d75593239744c325a76636d317a4c7a45354e6a6b31597a5268597a4e6d4e6a426b5954646b59325268595455304d4459334e32597a5a57517a4d47466d4e546c6a5a44513d', 'contact_form_email_hex': '5047456761484a6c5a6a306962574670624852764f6d6474514735775a53356a6253492b5a323141626e426c4c6d4e745043396850673d3d', 'more_favicons': True, 'safari_mask_color': '#08d1c7', 'exclude_via_robots': 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'ZNYPEASISCEN_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_ASISCEN'}, 'asisMan': {'name': 'As-is Connector', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'SPS02', 'cen': 'X', 'man': 'X', 'rep': 'asis-man', 'pay': 'free'}, 'catAppRep': {'name': 'Catalog and App reports', 'desc': 'Catalog and Apps "As-is" records and their association', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'SPS02', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'catapprep', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftca', 'odata': 'ZNYPECA_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_CAMAN'}, 'fr': {'name': 'Fiori Role Testing', 'nameshort': 'Fiori Role Testing', 'desc': 'The app tracks role testing to maintain the quality of production deployment.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'fr', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'znypeat', 'odata': 'ZNYPEAT_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_FRMAN'}, 'cr': {'name': 'Catalog Report', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'SPS02', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'cat-rep', 'pay': 'free'}, 'ac': {'name': 'App Catalog Report', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ac', 'pay': 'free'}, 'ca': {'name': 'Catalog App Report', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ca', 'pay': 'free'}, 'fa': {'name': 'Fiori App Usage Report', 'desc': 'Fiori App Usage Report is a component that enables collecting usage records.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'fa', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': 'zftappusagerep, zfaadmin, zftappusageplug, zfaul', 'odata': 'ZNYPEFACEN_SRV, ZNYPEFAMAN_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_FAMAN, ZNYPE_FAMEM'}, 'fap': {'name': 'Fiori App Usage Plugin', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': 'X', 'rep': 'fap', 'pay': 'paid'}, 'ftCatsRelAppsAsis': {'name': 'FT Catalogs Relation: Apps As-is', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'asis-cen', 'pay': 'free'}, 'ftAppsRelCatsAsis': {'name': 'FT Apps Relation: Catalogs, As-is', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'asis-cen', 'pay': 'free'}, 'ftAppsRelAppsUsage': {'name': 'FT Apps Relation: App Usage', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'fa', 'pay': 'paid'}, 'ch': {'name': 'Change Requests', 'desc': 'Change request records linked to catalogs and apps', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ch', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftch', 'odata': 'ZNYPECH_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_CHMAN'}, 'RelCh': {'name': 'FT Apps and Catalogs Relation: Change Requests', 'desc': 'The Change Request relation shows a list of change requests linked to an application or catalog.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ch', 'pay': 'free'}, 'so': {'name': 'Sign-offs', 'desc': 'The Sign-offs app lets you create, change and list sign-offs records linked to all content types (apps, catalogs and roles)', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'so', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftso', 'odata': 'ZNYPESO_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_SOMAN'}, 'tu': {'name': 'Test users', 'nameshort': 'Test users', 'desc': 'The Test users app lets you create, change, and list test user records.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'tu', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftusers', 'odata': 'ZNYPEUS_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_USMAN'}, 'RelTu': {'name': 'FT Apps Relation: Test users', 'desc': 'The Test users relation shows a list of test users linked to all apps', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'tu', 'pay': 'free'}, 'hi': {'name': 'History', 'nameshort': 'History', 'desc': 'The History component keeps the history records for SAP Fiori launchpad key deliverables: apps, catalogs, and roles.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'hi', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zfthi', 'odata': 'ZNYPEHI_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_HIMAN'}, 'co': {'name': 'Comments', 'nameshort': 'Comments', 'desc': 'The Comments component keeps the free text notes records for SAP Fiori launchpad key deliverables: apps, catalogs, and roles.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'co', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftco', 'odata': 'ZNYPECO_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_COMAN'}, 'RelSo': {'name': 'FT Apps and Catalogs Relation: Sign-offs', 'desc': 'The Sign-offs relation shows a list of sign-offs linked to all content types (apps, catalogs and roles)', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'so', 'pay': 'free'}, 'ro': {'name': 'Fiori Tracker Roles', 'nameshort': 'Roles', 'desc': 'Roles "To-be" records and their association to apps through catalogs', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ro', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftroles', 'odata': 'ZNYPERO_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_ROMAN'}, 'ci': {'name': 'Catalog Import', 'nameshort': 'Catalog Import', 'desc': 'Lets you import catalogs from your system into the "To-be" catalogs list', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'SPS02', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ci', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': 'zftci', 'odata': 'ZNYPECI_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_CIMAN'}, 'ai': {'name': 'Application Import', 'nameshort': 'Apps Import', 'desc': 'Lets you import applications from your system into the "To-be" application list', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ai', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': 'zftai, zftfl', 'odata': 'ZNYPEAI_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_AI'}, 'mi': {'name': 'Mapping Import', 'nameshort': 'Mapping Import', 'desc': 'Lets you import mappings of the applications to catalogs', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'mi', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': 'zftmi', 'odata': 'ZNYPEMI_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_MIMAN'}, 'RelRo': {'name': 'FT Apps and Catalogs Relation: Roles', 'desc': 'The Roles relation shows a list of sign-offs linked to all content types (apps, catalogs and roles)', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ro', 'pay': 'free'}, 'gv': {'name': 'Gover', 'nameshort': 'Gover', 'desc': 'Gover is a solution that enables security checks for your SAP system landscape.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'gv', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': 'zftgv', 'odata': 'ZNYPEGV_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_GVMAN'}}, 'comp': {'core': {'name': 'Fiori Tracker Core', 'desc': 'Applications and Catalogs "To-be" records and their association', 'nameshort': 'Core', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'SPS03', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'installation', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftapps, zftcats', 'odata': 'ZNYPECOR_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_FTMAN, ZNYPE_FTMEM'}, 'asisCen': {'name': 'As-is Main', 'desc': 'Collects and enables synchronization of SAP Fiori setup data.', 'nameshort': 'As-is API', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'SPS02', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'asis-cen', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftdc, zftsy', 'odata': 'ZNYPEASISCEN_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_ASISCEN'}, 'asisMan': {'name': 'As-is Connector', 'desc': 'Captures SAP Fiori setup from single system.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'SPS02', 'cen': 'X', 'man': 'X', 'rep': 'asis-man', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': '', 'odata': '', 'ro': ''}, 'catAppRep': {'name': 'Catalog and App reports', 'desc': 'Catalog and Apps "As-is" records and their association.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'SPS02', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'catapprep', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftca', 'odata': 'ZNYPECA_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_CAMAN'}, 'fr': {'name': 'Fiori Role Testing', 'nameshort': 'Fiori Role Testing', 'desc': 'The app tracks role testing to maintain the quality of production deployment.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'fr', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'znypeat', 'odata': 'ZNYPEAT_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_FRMEN, ZNYPE_FRMAN'}, 'cr': {'name': 'Catalog Report', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'SPS02', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'cat-rep', 'pay': 'free'}, 'ac': {'name': 'App Catalog Report', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ac', 'pay': 'free'}, 'ca': {'name': 'Catalog App Report', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ca', 'pay': 'free'}, 'fam': {'name': 'Fiori App Usage Main', 'desc': 'Collects and displays usage records.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'fa', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': 'zftappusagerep, zfaadmin, zfaul', 'odata': 'ZNYPEFACEN_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_FAMAN'}, 'fap': {'name': 'Fiori App Usage Plugin', 'desc': 'Captures usage records from a single system.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': 'X', 'rep': 'fap', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': 'zftappusageplug', 'odata': 'ZNYPEFAMAN_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_FAMEM'}, 'ftCatsRelAppsAsis': {'name': 'FT Catalogs Relation: Apps As-is', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'asis-cen', 'pay': 'free'}, 'ftAppsRelCatsAsis': {'name': 'FT Apps Relation: Catalogs, As-is', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'asis-cen', 'pay': 'free'}, 'ftAppsRelAppsUsage': {'name': 'FT Apps Relation: App Usage', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'fa', 'pay': 'paid'}, 'ch': {'name': 'Change Requests', 'desc': 'Change request records linked to catalogs and apps', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ch', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftch', 'odata': 'ZNYPECH_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_CHMAN'}, 'RelCh': {'name': 'FT Apps and Catalogs Relation: Change Requests', 'desc': 'The Change Request relation shows a list of change requests linked to an application or catalog.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ch', 'pay': 'free'}, 'so': {'name': 'Sign-offs', 'desc': 'The Sign-offs app lets you create, change and list sign-offs records linked to all content types (apps, catalogs and roles)', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'so', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftso', 'odata': 'ZNYPESO_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_SOMAN'}, 'tu': {'name': 'Test users', 'nameshort': 'Test users', 'desc': 'The Test users app lets you create, change, and list test user records.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'tu', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftusers', 'odata': 'ZNYPEUS_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_USMAN'}, 'RelTu': {'name': 'FT Apps Relation: Test users', 'desc': 'The Test users relation shows a list of test users linked to all apps', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'tu', 'pay': 'free'}, 'hi': {'name': 'History', 'nameshort': 'History', 'desc': 'The History component keeps the history records for SAP Fiori launchpad key deliverables: apps, catalogs, and roles.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'hi', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zfthi', 'odata': 'ZNYPEHI_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_HIMAN'}, 'co': {'name': 'Comments', 'nameshort': 'Comments', 'desc': 'The Comments component keeps the free text notes records for SAP Fiori launchpad key deliverables: apps, catalogs, and roles.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'co', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftco', 'odata': 'ZNYPECO_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_COMAN'}, 'RelSo': {'name': 'FT Apps and Catalogs Relation: Sign-offs', 'desc': 'The Sign-offs relation shows a list of sign-offs linked to all content types (apps, catalogs and roles)', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'so', 'pay': 'free'}, 'ro': {'name': 'Fiori Tracker Roles', 'nameshort': 'Roles', 'desc': 'Roles "To-be" records and their association to apps through catalogs', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ro', 'pay': 'free', 'fnode': 'zftroles', 'odata': 'ZNYPERO_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_ROMAN'}, 'ci': {'name': 'Catalog Import', 'nameshort': 'Catalog Import', 'desc': 'Lets you import catalogs from your system into the "To-be" catalogs list', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'SPS02', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ci', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': 'zftci', 'odata': 'ZNYPECI_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_CIMAN'}, 'ai': {'name': 'Application Import', 'nameshort': 'Apps Import', 'desc': 'Lets you import applications from your system into the "To-be" application list', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ai', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': 'zftai', 'odata': 'ZNYPEAI_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_AI'}, 'mi': {'name': 'Mapping Import', 'nameshort': 'Mapping Import', 'desc': 'Lets you import mappings of the applications to catalogs', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'mi', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': 'zftmi', 'odata': 'ZNYPEMI_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_MIMAN'}, 'RelRo': {'name': 'FT Apps and Catalogs Relation: Roles', 'desc': 'The Roles relation shows a list of sign-offs linked to all content types (apps, catalogs and roles)', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'ro', 'pay': 'free'}, 'gv': {'name': 'Gover', 'nameshort': 'Gover', 'desc': 'Gover is a solution that enables security checks for your SAP system landscape.', 'main': '2020', 'latestrel': 'FPS01', 'cen': 'X', 'man': ' ', 'rep': 'gv', 'pay': 'paid', 'fnode': 'zftgv', 'odata': 'ZNYPEGV_SRV', 'ro': 'ZNYPE_GVMAN'}}, 'tags': {'_': '_'}} | plugins | PluginCollection | material/search [SearchPlugin], macros [MacrosPlugin], material/blog [BlogPlugin], material/blog #2 [BlogPlugin], material/blog #3 [BlogPlugin], material/social [SocialPlugin], minify_html [MinifyHtmlPlugin], redirects [RedirectPlugin], nype/custom_social_logo [CustomSocialLogoPlugin], nype/custom_redirects [CustomRedirectsPlugin], nype/sap_icons [SapIconsPlugin], nype/latest_blog_posts [LatestBlogPostsPlugin], nype/custom_blog_categorization [CustomBlogCategorizationPlugin], nype/similar_blog_posts [SimilarBlogPostsPlugin], nype/server_redirects [ServerRedirectsPlugin], nype/nype_tweaks [NypeTweaksPlugin] | hooks | dict | | watch | list | [] | validation | Validation | {'nav': {'omitted_files': 30, 'not_found': 30, 'absolute_links': 30}, 'links': {'not_found': 30, 'absolute_links': 30, 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Variable | Type | Content | context | function | (obj, var, value, e) Default mkdocs_macro List the defined variables | macros_info | function | () Test/debug function: list useful documentation on the mkdocs_macro environment. | now | function | () Get the current time (returns a datetime object). Used alone, it provides a timestamp. To get the year use now().year , for the month number now().month , etc. | fix_url | function | (url, r) If url is relative, fix it so that it points to the docs diretory. This is necessary because relative links in markdown must be adapted in html ('img/foo.png' => '../img/img.png'). | Information available on the last commit and the git repository containing the documentation project: e.g. {{ git.message }} Variable | Type | Content | status | bool | True | date | datetime | datetime.datetime(2025, 2, 13, 21, 6, 3, tzinfo=tzoffset(None, 3600)) | short_commit | str | '0eb31e9' | commit | str | '0eb31e96a6c28394e462979ec8569af7c6e55683' | tag | str | '' | short_tag | str | '' | author | str | 'Greg Malewski' | author_email | str | '' | committer | str | 'Greg Malewski' | committer_email | str | '' | date_ISO | str | 'Thu Feb 13 21:06:03 2025 +0100' | message | str | 'docs: year' | raw | str | 'commit 0eb31e96a6c28394e462979ec8569af7c6e55683\nAuthor: Greg Malewski \nDate: Thu Feb 13 21:06:03 2025 +0100\n\n docs: year' root_dir | str | '/home/runner/work/' | Page Attributes Provided by MkDocs. These attributes change for every page (the attributes shown are for this page). e.g. {{ page.title }} See also the MkDocs documentation on the page object. Variable | Type | Content | file | File | src_uri = '', src_dir = '/home/runner/work/', dest_dir = '/home/runner/work/', use_directory_urls = True, inclusion [InclusionLevel], name = 'info', dest_uri = 'info/index.html', page [Page], url = 'info/', abs_src_path = '/home/runner/work/' | children | NoneType | None | previous_page | NoneType | None | next_page | NoneType | None | _Page__active | bool | False | update_date | str | '2025-02-13' | canonical_url | str | '' | abs_url | str | '/info/' | edit_url | NoneType | None | markdown | str | '{{ macros_info() }}\n' | _title_from_render | NoneType | None | content | NoneType | None | toc | list | [] | meta | dict | nype_config [dict] | To have all titles of all pages, use: {% for page in navigation.pages %}
- {{ page.title }}
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Plugin Filters These filters are provided as a standard by the macros plugin. Variable | Type | Content | pretty | function | (var_list, var, var_type, content, rows, header, e) Default mkdocs_macro Prettify a dictionary or object (used for environment documentation, or debugging). | Builtin Jinja2 Filters These filters are provided by Jinja2 as a standard. See also the Jinja2 documentation on builtin filters). Variable | Type | Content | abs | builtin_function_or_method | Return the absolute value of the argument. | attr | function | (environment, obj, name, value) Get an attribute of an object. foo|attr("bar") works like just that always an attribute is returned and items are not looked up. | batch | function | (value, linecount, fill_with, tmp, item) A filter that batches items. It works pretty much like slice just the other way round. It returns a list of lists with the given number of items. If you provide a second parameter this is used to fill up missing items. See this example. | capitalize | function | (s) Capitalize a value. The first character will be uppercase, all others lowercase. | center | function | (value, width) Centers the value in a field of a given width. | count | builtin_function_or_method | Return the number of items in a container. | d | function | (value, default_value, boolean) If the value is undefined it will return the passed default value, otherwise the value of the variable. | default | function | (value, default_value, boolean) If the value is undefined it will return the passed default value, otherwise the value of the variable. | dictsort | function | (value, case_sensitive, by, reverse, sort_func) Sort a dict and yield (key, value) pairs. Python dicts may not be in the order you want to display them in, so sort them first. | e | function | (s) Replace the characters & , < , > , ' , and " in the string with HTML-safe sequences. Use this if you need to display text that might contain such characters in HTML. | escape | function | (s) Replace the characters & , < , > , ' , and " in the string with HTML-safe sequences. Use this if you need to display text that might contain such characters in HTML. | filesizeformat | function | (value, binary, bytes, base, prefixes, i, prefix, unit) Format the value like a 'human-readable' file size (i.e. 13 kB, 4.1 MB, 102 Bytes, etc). Per default decimal prefixes are used (Mega, Giga, etc.), if the second parameter is set to True the binary prefixes are used (Mebi, Gibi). | first | function | (args, kwargs, b) Return the first item of a sequence. | float | function | (value, default) Convert the value into a floating point number. If the conversion doesn't work it will return 0.0 . You can override this default using the first parameter. | forceescape | function | (value) Enforce HTML escaping. This will probably double escape variables. | format | function | (value, args, kwargs) Apply the given values to a printf-style _ format string, like string % values . | groupby | function | (args, kwargs, b) Group a sequence of objects by an attribute using Python's :func:itertools.groupby . The attribute can use dot notation for nested access, like "" . Unlike Python's groupby , the values are sorted first so only one group is returned for each unique value. | indent | function | (s, width, first, blank, newline, rv, lines) Return a copy of the string with each line indented by 4 spaces. The first line and blank lines are not indented by default. | int | function | (value, default, base) Convert the value into an integer. If the conversion doesn't work it will return 0 . You can override this default using the first parameter. You can also override the default base (10) in the second parameter, which handles input with prefixes such as 0b, 0o and 0x for bases 2, 8 and 16 respectively. The base is ignored for decimal numbers and non-string values. | join | function | (args, kwargs, b) Return a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the sequence. The separator between elements is an empty string per default, you can define it with the optional parameter. | last | function | (environment, seq) Return the last item of a sequence. | length | builtin_function_or_method | Return the number of items in a container. | list | function | (args, kwargs, b) Convert the value into a list. If it was a string the returned list will be a list of characters. | lower | function | (s) Convert a value to lowercase. | items | function | (value) Return an iterator over the (key, value) items of a mapping. | map | function | (args, kwargs, b) Applies a filter on a sequence of objects or looks up an attribute. This is useful when dealing with lists of objects but you are really only interested in a certain value of it. | min | function | (environment, value, case_sensitive, attribute) Return the smallest item from the sequence. | max | function | (environment, value, case_sensitive, attribute) Return the largest item from the sequence. | pprint | function | (value) Pretty print a variable. Useful for debugging. | random | function | (context, seq) Return a random item from the sequence. | reject | function | (args, kwargs, b) Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to each object, and rejecting the objects with the test succeeding. | rejectattr | function | (args, kwargs, b) Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to the specified attribute of each object, and rejecting the objects with the test succeeding. | replace | function | (eval_ctx, s, old, new, count) Return a copy of the value with all occurrences of a substring replaced with a new one. The first argument is the substring that should be replaced, the second is the replacement string. If the optional third argument count is given, only the first count occurrences are replaced. | reverse | function | (value, rv, e) Reverse the object or return an iterator that iterates over it the other way round. | round | function | (value, precision, method, func) Round the number to a given precision. The first parameter specifies the precision (default is 0 ), the second the rounding method. | safe | function | (value) Mark the value as safe which means that in an environment with automatic escaping enabled this variable will not be escaped. | select | function | (args, kwargs, b) Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to each object, and only selecting the objects with the test succeeding. | selectattr | function | (args, kwargs, b) Filters a sequence of objects by applying a test to the specified attribute of each object, and only selecting the objects with the test succeeding. | slice | function | (args, kwargs, b) Slice an iterator and return a list of lists containing those items. Useful if you want to create a div containing three ul tags that represent columns. | sort | function | (environment, value, reverse, case_sensitive, attribute, key_func) Sort an iterable using Python's :func:sorted . | string | function | (s) Convert an object to a string if it isn't already. This preserves a :class:Markup string rather than converting it back to a basic string, so it will still be marked as safe and won't be escaped again. | striptags | function | (value) Strip SGML/XML tags and replace adjacent whitespace by one space. | sum | function | (args, kwargs, b) Returns the sum of a sequence of numbers plus the value of parameter 'start' (which defaults to 0). When the sequence is empty it returns start. | title | function | (s, item) Return a titlecased version of the value. I.e. words will start with uppercase letters, all remaining characters are lowercase. | trim | function | (value, chars) Strip leading and trailing characters, by default whitespace. | truncate | function | (env, s, length, killwords, end, leeway, result) Return a truncated copy of the string. The length is specified with the first parameter which defaults to 255 . If the second parameter is true the filter will cut the text at length. Otherwise it will discard the last word. If the text was in fact truncated it will append an ellipsis sign ("..." ). If you want a different ellipsis sign than "..." you can specify it using the third parameter. Strings that only exceed the length by the tolerance margin given in the fourth parameter will not be truncated. | unique | function | (args, kwargs, b) Returns a list of unique items from the given iterable. | upper | function | (s) Convert a value to uppercase. | urlencode | function | (value, items) Quote data for use in a URL path or query using UTF-8. | urlize | function | (eval_ctx, value, trim_url_limit, nofollow, target, rel, extra_schemes, policies, rel_parts, scheme, rv) Convert URLs in text into clickable links. | wordcount | function | (s) Count the words in that string. | wordwrap | function | (environment, s, width, break_long_words, wrapstring, break_on_hyphens, textwrap, line) Wrap a string to the given width. Existing newlines are treated as paragraphs to be wrapped separately. | xmlattr | function | (eval_ctx, d, autospace, items, key, value, rv) Create an SGML/XML attribute string based on the items in a dict. | tojson | function | (eval_ctx, value, indent, policies, dumps, kwargs) Serialize an object to a string of JSON, and mark it safe to render in HTML. This filter is only for use in HTML documents. | |
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