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Fiori Tracker Change log

Since its first release in 2018, we have continued to give our all to improving Fiori Tracker. Here is the list of significant improvements over its 6-year history:

Fiori Role Testing

2024 July

Major improvements adding for example App ID and testing status of each app.

Fiori Role Testing

2024 May

Initial release of the component.

Test User Report

2024 April

Initial release of the component.

General Maintenance

2023 December

Major rework of the data model enabling better relation maintenance.

App Import

2022 June

Major rework of the component.

App Import

2022 February

Initial release of the component to allow for automatic import of all installed applications.

Fiori Tracker Suite

2020 November

Complete rebuild of the suite. Was made easier to install with independent components.

App Usage Report

2020 February

Improvements eliminating double counts on legacy app types.

App Usage Report

2018 September

First installation of the component.

App Usage Report

2018 August

First customer installation with "Apps" and "Catalogs" - numerous reworks based on the feedback from the customer.

Fiori Tracker Suite

2018 July

Initial release of the suite.